
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunday Night Youth Service and Fellowship

This past Sunday Evening the teens were in charge of the evening service. The music was really wonderful as usual. I always enjoy hearing you all sing; God has truly blessed you with a great gift. Thank you for your ministry.

We followed the service with a youth fellowship. This time we played a rousing game of Bible Pictionary. Sadly we forgot the camera since there were many "kodak moments." Needless to say Mrs. Coon and I were amazed at the teens' ability to discern the right answers from what can only be described as (for the most part) "interesting art-work." It became increasingly harder to find challenging subjects for the teens to draw since ones such as "Methuselah," "Peter escaping from prison," etc. typically took around 20 seconds to be guessed. A fun time was had by all. There were even some visitors that were able to participate. I was glad that many of the teens went out of their way to make them feel welcome. Thanks also to the Crosby family for hosting the activity. 


Anonymous said...

Pastor Ryan,
I really enjoyed the Singspiration on Wednesday night. Those songs reminded me of what my sin did to my Savior. Thanks for all your work in putting it together...and thanks, Kaitlyn, for playing for us, especially some of those new songs. They can be challenging.

Anonymous said...

Your welcome Heather. I too enjoyed the singspiration. Sometimes it is good to reflect on our great salvation and the tremendous cost at which it came. It was quite enjoyable to put it all together. I am certain that we will have more of those in the future. And yes, thanks to Kaitlyn for playing so well for us. I know I kind of put her on the spot with a couple of those new songs but God has given her a great gift. Thanks as well to all the teens who came and sang. I really enjoy hearing you all sing and seeing on many of your faces that you mean what you are singing; it is a joy to my soul.