
Friday, May 30, 2014

The High Ropes Cable Course

 Unfortunately my battery died and I was only able to snap these two pics from the High Ropes Cable Course!!  This was a bummer because Brittney, Regina, Brooklyn and I also went in the same group as Melissa. I was so proud of some of these girls for doing the coursel--it takes nerve to do it and some of them had been nervous to do some of the other activities where heights were involved. It was really fun though and I'm pretty sure most of our teens did this one!

Supper Time Shots

The Cabins

 Each camper gets part of the cubbie/drawer space. This is pretty nice--I'm pretty sure when I went to summer camp as a kid we kept our things in our suitcase all week, tucked under the musty mattress we were sleeping on!!
 This is what the bunk looks like. Each bed has it's own lamp which is very nice.
This is the view into the room from the door. To the right is the bathroom/showers and to the left are some more bunks. Here's my little people watching Frozen on the computer to keep them busy while I repack all of our things and tidy up our cabin.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Family Reunion

 This afternoon the staff built in a "family reunion" time into the schedule. This is where each group of kids gets back together with their youth pastor and has a time to recap, give testimonies, and share from the Bible what God has been teaching them this week. Then they often do something fun as a group--ours chose sand volleyball. I don't remember who won but they had a good time of fellowship and competition too!

Each day the kids are slotted with a "God & I Time" to spend some time in the word. They were given little booklets at the beginning of the week to help them with their study content. Then a bit later in the morning the cabins meet with their counselors for a "God & I Time Follow-Up" so the counselors can help them understand anything they are struggling with and give them further spiritual guidance. These kids are getting saturated with some great Biblical truths this week and are being fully equipped to take the next spiritual step in their lives!

Our CBC Staffers are Working Hard

Of course a camp couldn't function without a camp staff. And the awesome ladies from our church who came to help on staff are working hard day and night!
 I've seen Becca serving tables, couseling girls, and encouraging others constantly! Today is her birthday and the boys at one of her tables sang to her at breakfast!

 Melissa is a cabin counselor and it seems like she is always surrounded by a group of girls she is helping with one thing or another. She also jumps right into the activities with the kids and has lots of spiritual guidance to offer.

Brianna is busy, busy, busy in the kitchen. She is helping to serve up some amazing food and I heard she often wakes up around 5 to start work with a midnight bedtime--a diligent worker. I did see her get to enjoy the girls swimtime with some friends and I'm sure it was a much needed break!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Water War Games

Today they played some water games (blue team vs. green team) and I tried to get a pic of each of our campers---but the game was crazy! There were kids swimming everywhere, balls flying everywhere and campers zooming out of that water slide! I think I might have missed a couple of kids. But the kids had a blast and the weather was perfect for it.

Little Coonies Ride Little Horses

Please forgive me a post about my own kids, but I just had to include these pics. Charlie and Ellie were THRILLED to find out that they could take a pony ride at the corral. We parents were less thrilled to have to walk/carry them up the very long hike to the corral, but it was totally worth it!

 This girl was so excited to ride her "My Little Pony" and was prepared to take it home with us, I think!
 What a view from the Corral!
 Charlie was adamant that boys don't ride ponies, they ride horses, so his was a horse ride.

Having a Passion for Your Bible

This morning's session was preached by Pastor Mike DeVries. He talked to the teens about the martyrs of the faith who gave their lives and did hard things so that the Bible could be translated into English and in the hands of the common man. He challenged the kids to do hard things for the sake of the Gospel and to have a gratitude and passion for the Bible that we are blessed to have.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Camp Food????

This was dessert tonight. Camp Food????
These kids (and sponsors) are spoiled!! :-)

Another Crazy Game

 This game is like dodgeball but fenced in. I guess you can only touch the ball with your hands. If it touches any other part of you than you are out...also there is usually one person in the middle...still trying to figure out exactly why. The kids were really enjoying this one this afternoon!

The View Out Our Window

This is the view out of the back window in the sponsor cabin we get to stay in. Beautiful. And falling asleep (& waking up) to the sound of this brook is so peaceful. God's hand in creation is evident all around us!